Monday, August 25, 2008

does your husband play golf?

yeah, it's gay.... but i was happy i found this hat i've been looking for... it's the titleist hat that adam scott rocks... i got the wife one too since she's supposed to be trying to play... who knows, maybe she just likes the hat because she thinks adam scott is hot...

happy birthday sydney...

saturday was sydney's 1 year birthday party. a big deal for us korean folk... there was a lot of people at the tam o'shanter inn in los feliz. never been there, but have always known it's part of the lawry's prime rib family. food was pretty decent... also the baby is supposed to pick and item... i really don't know the significance, but she ended up picking a golf ball (over money, a book, stethescope, etc...) which means she's destined for the LPGA tour, where there's not enough koreans already... congrats sydney sorrenstam hwang...

not happy....

caddie was not happy this week... my brother came home one day to find that doggie had gone crap 3x inside the house. she NEVER goes in the house... later he found blood in her poop... so i had to take fri afternoon off to take caddie to the vet. apparently dogs can have IBS like ben stiller in along came polly... anyhow, doc said we can't give her any human food... it's the equivalent of me eating a carne asada burrito and 3 rolled tacos... whoa.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

18th @ goose creek golf club

Hot as shit out here... I actually birdied this hole. Definitely the hardest hole on the course. Triple bogeying a hole got me a 78 today...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The green machine...

you wouldnt think you'd see a lot of $400K cars rolling around, but i've seen this murcielago a couple of times now in newport beach/ irvine... not bad for a daily driver, eh? im not thrilled about the color, but i suppose with that car, you can go crazy... it reminds me of the brey-ham (former GP of my old company). as much money as he had, he had a nasty comb-over and the most hideous neon colored clothing... but wit that much money, do wat u want...

personally, i'm happy cruising the truck or the wife's accord...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dave putting on 18

Yeah, he missed. If he could make more putts he'd shoot 76 all the time... But he doesn't....

Approach on 18 over Water...

Its not that bad. The hole is short. Too bad I ended up bogeying the hole to shoot an 80...

Tustin Ranch Golf

For my birthday. My brother and wife got me a membership to Tustin Ranch Golf. Its not really a real membership. You just get to play for cheaper which is not really that cheap.... Anyways, I decided to take advantage of it today with dave. Here's the teebox on 18

The Montage at night

It really is nice here... Too bad we can't spend the night ;)

The finest meats and cheeses for all...

Well no meats, but the cheese plate is ok here...

The Montage Resort

Out for a drink with my lovely wife. I really like the Montage. While I can't afford to stay the night, its nice to come her from food and drink.

Friday, August 1, 2008